четверг, 24 ноября 2016 г.

Top 6 Reasons to Workout in the Morning

Top 6 Reasons to Workout in the Morning
miss georgia, georgia teen
This Georgia girl knows what it takes to win the crown!

One popular question I have been getting is: When is the best time of day to workout? Without hesitation I always say in the morning! It is by far the best way to start the day, you get more out of it and its easier for scheduling and avoiding crowds!

Here are 6 main reasons you should work out in the morning:

1. Start the day healthy!

You are more likely to make healthy choices throughout the day if you workout in the morning! Those who hit in the gym in the morning are more likely to put the donuts down take the stairs.

“Morning workouts will help set up a more successful day health-wise. Think about this for a second: after a workout, don’t you think you would be more likely to eat a healthy breakfast rather than a donut at the office? Of course you would. You do not want to take away all that hard work you just put in during your workout. Morning workouts are the perfect start to help set you up for a day filled with healthy foods and good recovery.”- Fat Burning Nation

Since you fast when you are sleeping your body does not have sugar reserves to burn in the morning. Your body pulls from your fat storage for energy which helps you lean out even faster! But you don’t have to do a fasted workout in the morning to get these results. You can eat something small before you hit the gym and then refuel on your way to class/work.

“A recent study suggests that you can burn up to 20 percent more body fat by exercising in the morning before your first meal. Just don’t wait until lunchtime to refuel. Getting a meal in early before you sit down at your desk to start your day will jump-start your metabolism and keep your appetite under wraps to reduce your chance of overeating later on, says registered dietitian Cristina Rivera, a board certified sports nutritionist.”- Cosmopolitan

3. More energy and better mood for the day!

Exercise causes your body to release endorphins into your body. This natural mood booster is a great way to start the day! It will also provide an energy boost to help you start your day off right! Morning exercise will kick start your body and help you tackle the day ahead. This is my favorite reason because it is so true! Personally I feel so much better all day when I get in my morning sweat.

“Even if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, a morning workout will boost your endorphins for extra smiles the rest of the day.”- Cosmopolitan

4. Boost Metabolism

Working out in the morning will increase your metabolism which means you will burn more calories for the rest of the day! You will be burning more calories while sitting in class or at work than if you didn’t hit the gym.

“You’re going to start your day with your metabolism revved up,” says Monica Nelson, American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainer. “Which means you’re going to burn through the food you eat during the day, rather than when you’re sleeping.”-Women’s Health Magazine

5. Increases Brain Activity

Not only does your body get a jump start but so does your mind. Instead of hitting snooze and waking up in a haze, try getting up with your rem cycle and jumping on the treadmill before you have to put in mental work. Not only will you be more awake and focused but your brain will respond better to stimuli for hours after your sweat-sesh.

Studies have shown that exercise significantly increases mental acuity—a benefit that lasts four to ten hours after your workout ends. Exercising in the a.m. means you get to harness that brainpower, instead of wasting it while you’re snoozing.- Spark People

6. Scheduling!

This is by far the most practical reason of all. Gyms generally get rushed right after work. By working out first thing in the morning you beat the crowds and don’t have to fight anyone for your machines. It is also better for your own schedule.

If you get your workout out of the way in the morning you leave your evening open to homework, happy hour or just relaxing after a long day. Nobody likes to force their way through a workout when all they want to do is go home and lay on the couch!

Finally, scheduling morning workouts leads to higher consistency. People are more likely to maintain their workout regimen if they develop this habit in the morning.

“If you exercise in the morning, you are more apt to keep with your routine. That’s because there’s usually no reason to reschedule; you’ll finish your workout before your day officially starts, and there’s nothing like an exceptionally trying day at work to make you want to skip.”- PopSugar

To help you get into action, try this easy and quick morning workout!

Quick and Easy Morning Workout
Source: fitfluential.com

Original article and pictures take ygidei-2v0qo9ojrpb5.cloudmaestro.com site

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