пятница, 15 апреля 2016 г.

The Strapless Dress Workout

The Strapless Dress Workout

Whether you're a bride, bridesmaid, or simply attending a fancy soirée, there's nothing more frustrating about donning a strapless dress than the dreaded armpit pudge! While you can't choose exactly where your body loses fat, you can sculpt the lean muscles that are crucial for giving your upper body shape. Pair this circuit workout with a healthy diet and two or three days of cardio (45 to 60 minutes) and you'll melt off extra fat and reveal sleek, sexy arms and shoulders.

How it works: Three days per week, do 1 set of each exercise back to back, with little to no rest in between moves. Do the full circuit 2 to 3 times, depending on how much time (and energy) you have.

Total Time: up to 15 minutes

1. Plank Shoulder Taps

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Begin in a full plank position with feet hip-width apart. Lightly tap left shoulder with right hand. Return to start and then immediately lift left hand and tap right shoulder. That's one rep.

2. Cleavage and Shoulder Sculptor

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Keeping arms at shoulder height, bring dumbbells together in front of chest until dumbbell ends are a few inches apart. Open arms back out to sides at shoulder height, then return to start to complete one rep.

3. Rotating Triceps and Shoulder Press

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4. Upper-Back Chiseler

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Begin on all fours, holding dumbbell in left hand, and extend right leg behind body with toes lightly pointed on the floor. Keeping arm extended (elbow should be soft, not bent) and abs drawn into spine, raise arm out to side of shoulder, palm facing down. Return to start, and repeat. Complete the prescribed number of reps on one side and then switch to the opposite side..

5. Triceps Press-Ups

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Start to get into full plank position, but bend your knees so that they help support your body weigh. Toes should be pointed on the floor. Engage abs and bend elbows in by sides to lower body to the floor while right leg extends behind hip. Press back up and lower right leg to return to start. Repeat, this time lifting left leg. That's one rep.

6. Lying Circle Scoop

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Engage abs, press shoulders down, and open arms out to sides, then down by hips as head and shoulder blades lift off the floor (arms stay extended the entire time). Open arms to sides and gently lower head to the floor to return to start and complete one rep.

Original article and pictures take www.shape.com site

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