вторник, 12 апреля 2016 г.

The Seven-Day Redbook Beach Body Blast

The Seven-Day Redbook Beach Body Blast
Angie's Beach Body Workout

Day 1: Jump to it with this 24-minute workout.

Eight-minute warm-up with jump rope.

One-minute intervals through two rounds of:

  • Squats
  • Jump rope
  • Push-ups
  • Jump rope
  • Butterfly sit-ups
  • Jump rope
  • V-ups
  • Jump rope

Stretch/foam roll for 15 minutes.

Day 2 : Choose one workout in the a.m. and one in the p.m.

After a 10-minute warm up, complete 10 repetitions of each exercise, moving from one to the next without resting. Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.

  • Pike push-ups
  • Lunge-hop
  • Rotating side-planks
  • Surfer burpees

Cardio countdown 30-20-10

  • Warm up for five minutes.
  • Choose your cardio — run, bike, or swim. Start with an easy pace for 30 seconds, then increase your speed to a moderate pace for 20 seconds, then sprint for 10 seconds. Repeat this five times.
  • Go at recovery pace for three minutes.
  • Repeat 30-20-10 five times.
  • Go at recovery pace for two minutes.

Day 3: Bottom's up!

Complete the following six exercises for 20 repetitions, and then again for 10 repetitions, and one more time for five repetitions.

  • Walking lunges
  • Squat-jumps
  • Step-ups
  • Jumping jacks
  • Side-lunges
  • Burpees

Stretch/foam roll for 15 minutes.

Day 4: Yoga

Day 5: Choose one workout in the a.m. and one in the p.m.

  • 12 single-leg squats (six on each leg)
  • 10 toes-to-wall
  • 8 box-jumps
  • 6 sit-up-to-stand-ups

Play DJ, and choose eight songs for your workout playlist. Pick up your pace every other song, and continue for approximately 30 minutes.

Day 6: Cardio sandwich

  • Run 0.5 miles or jump rope for five minutes.
  • Do 50 dips. (Break up the next four exercises as you need to accumulate 50 repetitions for each before running/jumping again.)
  • Do 50 supermans.
  • Run 0.5 miles or jump rope for five minutes.
  • Do 50 sit-ups.
  • Do 50 plié squats.
  • Run 0.5 miles or jump rope for five minutes.

Day 7: Stay calm and hold on.

Jump rope or run for 10 minutes and then…

Hold the following five exercises for one minute each — or accumulate a total of one minute in position, broken up as needed. Repeat three rounds over 15 minutes.

  • Plank
  • Side-plank
  • Glute-bridge with leg raise
  • Hollow-hold
  • Squat-hold

Stretch/foam roll for 15 minutes.

Original article and pictures take www.redbookmag.com site

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