четверг, 6 февраля 2014 г.

Park Bench Workout

Park Bench Workout

HIIIII happy Thursday! Let me echo everyone else and say how thrilled I am that the weather is finally warm! Well, warmish, but I’ll take warmish weather over cold weather any day! With warmer weather comes many exciting things, like wearing dresses and shorts and walking Layla so her energy can be released and getting tan (lolz ya right) and driving with the windows down and doing outdoorsy things and…gosh I’m excited.

Another thing I’m excited for? Outdoor workouts! As soon as it starts getting warm my body starts craving stair workouts. Though I love my 20 Minute Stair Workout, I thought it’d be fun to put together a set of exercises you could do if you’re near a park bench (or any bench for that matter). Whether you add it to your workout or simply complete it by itself, it’s a fun way to get your body moving and utilizing, well, the bench!

YAY warm weather and YAY outdoor workouts. Let’s get to it!

Park Bench Workout 1234

Push ups: Lunge onto the bench, keeping your arms straight on the bench and your legs straight behind you; your body should be at a diagonal. Complete a push up as you normally would bending your elbows at a 90° angle. Push back up, straightening your elbows and don’t forget to breathe! Complete push ups for one minute at your own pace.

Plank jacks: Lunge onto the bench, keeping your arms straight on the bench and your legs straight behind your, feet together. Keeping your upper body still. jack your legs out and in for one minute. Do this by gently bending your legs and bringing your feet wider than hip width and then gently jumping them back together so that your feet are touching.

Bird-dogs: Lunge onto the bench, keeping your arms straight and your legs straight behind you, feet hip width apart. Simultaneously lift your left arm and right leg, keeping both straight. Bring them back down and then simultaneously lift your right arm and left leg. Repeat this sequence for the entire minute, keeping your core tight the entire time.

Tricep dips: Stand approximately one foot away from the bench with your back facing toward the bench. Get into a diagonal position, with your arms straight on the bench, fingers facing forward and your legs out in front of you, knees slightly bent. Using your tricep muscles, bend your elbows so that your triceps are at a 90° angle and then straighten your arms back up. To make it easier, bring your feet in closer together; to make it more difficult, bring your feet further away from you and/or straighten your legs completely.

Box jumps: Stand approximately one foot away from the bench, body facing toward it, feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Bend your knees and, using your quad muscles, jump onto the bench, maintaining a bent position when you’re on the bench. Then, gently jump back down. You should be in a full squat position once you jump onto the bench. Repeat the jumps for the entire minute.

Step ups: Stand approximately one foot away from the bench, body facing the bench. Lift your left leg onto the bench and step your right foot up, keeping your right leg at a 90° angle; gently set your right foot back down on the ground. Your left foot should stay on the bench the entire time and your right foot should never touch the bench. Repeat with the right foot for one minute and then with the left foot for one minute.

Standing oblique crunches: Stand on the opposite side of the bench from which you have been standing (aka the back of the bench). Place your left hand on the bench and your right hand behind your head. Bring your right foot slightly out to the side and then simultaneously bend your right knee and bring it up while you crunch your right elbow down; Your knee and elbow should slightly touch. Repeat this sequence on the right side for one minute and then turn your body around and complete on the left side for one minute.

Standing up dog to down dog: This is more of a stretch, but it’s good to stretch! You can complete this as many times within the workout, or save it for the end. Stand with your body facing the bench, arms straight and legs straight behind your at a diagonal. Inhale and bring your body toward the bench. You should be looking up and your back should be curved. Then, in one smooth movement, push back so that your back is now rounded and you are looking down at your feet, arms straight and parallel to the ground. Repeat this back and forth movement for one minute.


Park Bench Workout 17

I will never master the closed mouth smile, like, ever.

Q: Do you workout outside once the weather is warmer, or do you tend to stick to the gym?

Original article and pictures take thealmondeater.com site

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