четверг, 23 мая 2013 г.

Lift and Row Workout

Lift and Row Workout

Oh hey, party people. How are ya? How was the weekend? I hope that you had a great one. It was one of those weekends that seemed to fly by! While part of me is like, “What happened?!” the other part is like “YES! We’re closer to Meg and Kyle’s baby being here!” It’s definitely a different type of excitement than being pregnant and expecting your own kiddo. It’s all of the fun minus the “holy heck I actually have to push this baby out” tiny bit of fear mixed in there.

Liv and P
(P wants me to tell you about her new phrase. She can say, “Thank you” and it is the sweetest.)

I’m just stopping in to share some adventures from the weekend and a workout with you. I’d love to hear about your weekend, too. I hope my friends in Southern Georgia are staying safe in the storms.

Friday, the girls and I had a little picnic at Whole Foods with hot bar and gelato, and then we headed over with the Pilot to my uncle’s house where they had a fire roaring, homemade clam chowder (chowdah) and Girl Scout Cookies. Aka everything you really need in life. We came home to put P to sleep, and the Pilot stayed home with her while I stayed with Liv at my uncle’s house. The girls watched a movie and ate popcorn, while we sat at the counter and chatted. It was perfect.

Saturday yoga workout:

Saturday morning, I took a much-needed 90-minute yoga flow class.

sessions yoga
sessions yoga

It was so sweaty -the mats were like 2 inches apart- and the flow was wonderful. It was challenging enough without being crazy, and included a couple of new-to-me poses with a lot of juicy stretching at the end. After yoga, we watched the basketball game (GO CATS), and then picked up my cousins to take the girls to the trampoline park.

We were leaving the house with all 4 car seats in our SUV, and I told the Pilot we should pick up my nana. We swooped her to join in the fun, and it was a blast. The girls jumped around in between racing on the obstacle course, while P jumped her little heart out. Her ability to jump is truly extraordinary. The bigger kids were bouncing around her, and surprisingly, she kept her balance, jumping and clapping the entire time.


shrimp dinner
shrimp dinner

Sunday morning, we met up with Kyle, Meg, and Charlie (my good friend from high school) for breakfast at Cup cafe downtown.

our breakfast group
breakfast gang

Cup is located in the historic Hotel Congress, so I’ve always known it for very late-night bar type food (like greasy nachos after a late night of dancing and partying somewhere… you know, back in the day). I always forget they have *real* food. We hung out and enjoyed delicious brunch staples, and after saying goodbye, the Pilot took the girls to the Children’s Museum. They played and explored the exhibits while I met with Grant to discuss video plans for the blog.

While we’re here in Tucson, we’re going to create some awesome video content to share and I can’t wait! Please let me know if you have any specific video requests.

The Pilot and I took turns working out at the gym,

and I got in an awesome circuit and cardio workout.

working out
Here it is if you’d like to try it during your next gym sesh!

(As always, check with a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed.)

Lift and Row workout:

Lift and Row Workout - Build Strength and Get in Your Cardio with this Total Body Workout
Lift and Workout

(For the 10-minute row, the point isn’t to row for 10 minutes straight.. unless you’re a superhuman. I focused on calories for this row, because it’s a fun different way to gauge your workout instead of always using distance or speed. After setting the timer for 10 minutes, and I sprinted to row 10 calories. When I hit 10, I took a little while to catch my breath, then did 10 more. I hit 100 just at 10 minutes. If you do this workout you can try to beat me!)

I’m off to the dentist this morning (WAH), but am excited for some fun with the girls and a spin class later today.

Happy Monday, friends.



Winter Shape Up starts 1 week from today! If you want to get all of the details early, plus the bonus warm up and cool down videos, please sign up for my newsletter via the widget below.

Original article and pictures take fitnessista.com site

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