понедельник, 20 февраля 2012 г.

Full Body Workout at Home

Full Body Workout at Home

How was your weekend?! We mostly took it easy at home and also tried out our Blue Apron meals that arrived. Did you see my hubby and I preparing the chicken wings on Saturday night on snapchat (@honeywerehome)? I’ll share those meals here hopefully later this week. Today, I’m back with another fitness post for ya! I will say that after a few trips to the pool recently, my motivation is renewed to get back in shape. �� Last week, I showed you how I prep our food for a week full of healthy meals and I loved hearing how that was helpful for you! Thank you for letting me know!

We have been spending a lot more time outside, and now I feel more confident bringing Jordan along (she’ll be 4 months old next week!) so it’s nice to get the whole family outdoors and off the electronics! My son is huge into Minecraft and loves to watch tutorials on the iPad while recreating them on the video game on the TV. So, two electronics going at once! I have to say it’s pretty incredible what he can create though. Are your kids into that? I’m not innocent either, I’m guilty of too much screen and phone time, so I have to impose breaks on myself too! It’s summer- time to look up and play outside, right?!

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And I know it’s hard for a lot of you to get to a gym to workout (me too lately!) so I wanted to share some exercises you can do at home. The hardest part is JUST DOING IT!

1) Make an appointment with yourself. You have to make you and exercise a priority or it will never happen. Figure out WHEN in your day you can commit to exercising and then schedule it in like an appointment with yourself that you refuse to miss or be late for. If you wake up a little bit earlier and exercise first thing, it’s done and you don’t have to dread it for the rest of the day.

2) Workout to music. Listening to upbeat music that makes you want to move while you workout is a huge motivator. I can’t tell you how many more miles I’ve run because I wanted to get through one more song! It really works!

3) Put on cute workout clothes. I don’t know why this helps so much, maybe it just psyches you out to look better while you exercise, but wearing good quality workout clothes feels so much better than your ratty old ones!

If I can’t get to the gym or just want to save that drive time and still get the benefit of a good workout, I always reach for a set of weights and just do a few exercises at home. Do you wanna know a secret? Your muscles don’t know that you’re lifting weights in your living room as opposed to a gym, they only know to respond to the exercise!

Below is a sample full body workout I’ll do if I want to work all my muscles in a short amount of time. Go through each exercise and repeat 3 times. Use a weight you can complete the exercises with, those last reps should be challenging, but not impossible.

Lunges and Squats

You can do these holding weights or just use your body weight.

capri pants |similar tank | similar shoe

Donkey Kicks

These are awesome for toning your booty!


You can modify pushups by resting your knees on the ground if that makes it easier for you.

Lateral Raises

Strong shoulders are sexy on a woman!

Shoulder Press

Alternating Shoulder Press

Bicep Curls

You can modify your hand and arm position to work different parts of your biceps.


These work your triceps, don’t neglect them!

Rear Delt Raises

I would finish with abs (crunches, bicycles and/or planks) if I didn’t have diastasis recti. Now I just do pelvic tilts.

If you want to amp up your workout, in between each exercise you can add in active rests like jumping jacks, burpees, jump squats, pop squats, jump rope, running man, anything that gets your heart rate going for about a minute will be great!

If you’re in a rush and only have 20 minutes to spare, set the timer and just do what you can in that time. Even a 20 minute exercise session will have great benefits if you do it consistently!

Do you usually workout at home or go to a gym? You can see more of my FITNESS posts here.

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Original article and pictures take www.honeywerehome.com site

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