четверг, 27 октября 2011 г.

Four 30-Minute Workouts

Four 30-Minute Workouts

This post is sponsored by HP and Collectively. It features four new workouts I hope you love!

Four new workouts are coming your way today!

Four 30 Minute Workouts
Four 30 Minute Workouts

Get ready to get sweaty!

HP x360

A few weeks ago I received an email from Collectively inviting me to apply for a campaign centered around the new HP x360, a computer with four modes: Laptop, tablet, tent and stand.

hp x360
hp x360

As you may remember, my laptop was causing me serious headaches a few weeks ago and eventually died one day. I used Ryan’s old laptop when I was traveling to Sanibel and Minnesota and I remembered why that computer is the “backup” in our house. Aside from the battery lasting all of 10 minutes when unplugged, the computer randomly shuts down and freezes all the time, which obviously made blogging a real treat when I was traveling.

The HP x360 laptop arrived at the perfect time and I arrived home to Minnesota so thrilled to break into the box and test out my new laptop. Set up was a breeze and I have been so, so impressed with the computers incredible battery life and functionality – I’ve never seen a computer that works as a tablet, too, let alone converts into four different modes!


I use the tablet at home a lot when I just want to browse around the internet, the laptop mode is obviously the one I use the most since I work from my computer every single day and the tent/stand mode is great for streaming videos, following recipes online when I’m cooking, etc. Love all of them!

Four 30-Minute Workouts

To go along with the four modes of this computer, HP asked bloggers participating in this campaign to create a post centered around the theme of four. Since I love sharing workouts with you guys, I figured I would share four new workouts you can complete at the gym (or at home, in some cases) on days when you only have time for a quick 30-minute workout. I hope at least one of them catches your eye!

  • 30 Minute Treadmill Workout

30 Minute Treadmill Workout
30 Minute Treadmill Workout

This 30 minute treadmill workout plays around with various speeds to hold your interest and help fight treadmill boredom. After a quick 5-minute walking warm up, it’s time to pick up the pace and incorporate some intervals into the mix.

  • 30 Minute Total Body Workout

30 Minute Total Body Workout
30 Minute Total Body Workout

If you want to hit every muscle group in your body but don’t have a lot of time to do it, this 30-minute total body workout targets the arms, legs and core and also includes some challenging bursts of cardio to keep your heart rate up and make you sweat. If you have a set of dumbbells, this is a workout you can also do at home. Begin with round one and complete as many rounds of the squat jumps, push up and leg lift crunches as possible for six minutes. Rest as needed before moving onto Round Two, Three, Four and Five!

  • Elliptical Workout

Elliptical Workout
Elliptical Workout

Sometimes the elliptical gets a bad rap for being an “easy” cardio workout, but by playing around with the inclines and resistance on the elliptical, you can walk away feeling like you got a great low-impact cardio workout! This 30-minute elliptical workout cranks up the intensity by simultaneously increasing inclines and resistance. Whether you pedal forward or backward is up to you, but I like to change it up every five minutes or so.

  • At Home Circuit

At Home Workout
At Home Workout

Of the four new workouts I’m sharing today, this one is probably my favorite! You don’t need any equipment (except for a jump rope, but you can pretend to jump rope for that particular exercise if you don’t have one), so this workout is a great at-home workout option. It is very, very fast paced and quickly progresses from one exercise to the next. As always, rest as needed and honor your body, but try to keep things moving as much as possible. It’s a sweaty one!

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Collectively on behalf of HP. HP is currently on tour with Meghan Trainor and will be creating a documentary with a sneak peek behind the scenes using the new HP X360. They’re bringing camera crews from Vancouver to Nashville and you can follow along by watching episodes or searching the hashtags #bendtherules #ThatBassTour. Thank you again for your continued support!!

Original article and pictures take www.pbfingers.com site

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