вторник, 1 октября 2013 г.

medicine ball hiit circuit {total body workout in 30 minutes}

medicine ball hiit circuit {total body workout in 30 minutes}

Combine cardio, strength and stability in this medicine ball hiit circuit; a total body workout that you can do in 30 minutes or less.

medicine ball hiit circuit | www.nourishmovelove.com

The long awaited, Memorial Day holiday weekend has come and gone. Man it went fast, but it was fun. From dancing the night away at wedding to a beautiful morning wakeboarding on the lake.

If you happen to follow me on on snapchat {@lindseybomgren} you saw my wakeboarding highlight reel with two wipeouts. After a solid 20 minutes of cutting into the pure glass lake, Tim just happened to capture my final two wipeouts on snapchat, weird, I know!

But seriously, summer is here and these are the weekends I live for. There is no where in the entire world I’d rather be than on the lake with my family. It always makes coming back to reality on Sunday night, or in this case Monday night a bit of a challenge. Especially now that we’ve embraced homeownership.

With bags to unpack, piles of laundry to do, and grass that needs to be mowed, getting back to reality can be a bit overwhelming. Not to mention trying to squeeze in a workout to put all those extra handfuls of trail mix and glasses of vino to good use. I like to think of these holiday weekend indulgences as extra workout fuel.

So I’m brining your a medicine ball HIIT circuit workout that guarantees a heart pumping, strength training, total body workout in 30 minutes or less. I’ve added a medicine ball to this routine for an extra strength and stability challenge; targeting all your tiny stabilizer muscles you don’t normally get at. But you can easily substitute a medium dumbbell for these exercises.

Are you ready to ‘Hiit’ it hard with me after the long holiday weekend? Combine cardio, strength and stability allowing you to burn fat, tone your legs, core and upper body while working on your balance and agility.

{music: the go-go’s we got the beat, get more songs currently rocking my workout playlist here}

the workout: medicine ball hiit circuit

This workout can be completed in 30 minutes or less and is broken down into four circuits, with three exercises per circuit. Work through each circuit individually, completing 20 repetitions per exercise. Repeat each circuit x 2 sets before moving onto the next circuit.

Grab a medium-to-heavy medicine ball, I recommend between 5-12 lbs, and get to work. You can also substitute a medium dumbbell in place of the medicine ball.

Circuit One:

  • Squat + Toss
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Core Twists

Circuit Two:

  • Alternating Lunge + Twist {10 per leg}
  • Rolling Push Ups {10 per arm}
  • Toe Taps {first set clockwise, second set counter-clockwise}

Circuit Three:

  • Alternating Cross Body Chops {10 per side}
  • Jack + Overhead Press
  • Lying Toe Touches

Circuit Four:

  • Frog Jumps
  • Plank Jacks
  • Standing Toe Touches {10 per leg}

see video above for complete workout and proper exercise form.

squat + toss – 20 reps

medicine ball squat and toss

Modify: Eliminate the toss and hold the ball at your chest as you perform air squats. You can also add an overhead press with the ball at the top of your air squat.

Make it harder: Add a calf raise or jump at the top as you throw the ball overhead. Catch the ball as you land and come back into your starting, squat position.

mountain climbers – 20 reps

medicine ball mountain climbers

Modify: Slow this movement down perform slow and controlled, alternating knee pulls towards your chest or ball. Or eliminate the ball and place your hands on the ground in high plank position for added balance and stability.

Make it harder: Drive your knees towards the ball as quickly as you can to get your heart rate up and core firing.

core twists – 20 reps

medicine ball twists

Modify: Keep your feet planted on the ground in front of you and twist side to side with or without the medicine ball.

Make it harder: Straighten your legs straight out in front of you into boat or pike pose and perform the twist; keeping your torso at a 45 degree angle.

alternating lunge + twist – 20 reps {10 per leg}

alternating lunge and twist

Modify: remove the twist and perform alternating front lunges.

Make it harder: Add a scissor or split jump between lunges as you twist side-to-side with the medicine ball.

rolling push ups – 20 reps {10 per arm}

medicine ball rolling push ups

Modify: Drop to one or both knees for the push up.

Make it harder: Perform 10 consecutive push ups on the right hand, then roll the ball over and perform 10 consecutive push ups on the left hand.

toe taps – 20 reps {first set clockwise, second set counter-clockwise}

medicine ball toe taps

Modify: Eliminate the clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation around the ball and perform the toe taps at a more slow and controlled place in one stationary position.

Make it harder: Alternate your toe taps as quickly as you can, being sure to tap the top, center of the ball with each movement.

alternating cross body chops – 20 reps {10 per side}

alternating cross body chops

Modify: Eliminate the medicine ball; chop and twist using just your bodyweight but still using your arms to tap the ground and raise overhead as you twist.

Make it harder: Challenge your balance and raise your rear leg off the ground as you twist up, across your body at the top of the movement.

jack + overhead press – 20 reps

jack with overhead press

Modify: Eliminate the jump and tap your toes out and in, alternating feet with each medicine ball press overhead.

Make it harder: Perform a squat jack + overhead press by coming down into a complete squat at the bottom of the movement and then exploding up into an overhead press.

lying toe touches – 20 reps

lying toe touches_Collage

Modify: Eliminate the medicine ball and just use your bodyweight to roll up, reaching your hands toward your toes.

Make it harder: Perform a complete overhead crunch, dropping your legs towards the ground and bringing your straight arms overhead towards the ground at the bottom of the movement.

frog jumps – 20 reps

medicine ball frog squat jumps

Modify: Eliminate the medicine ball and perform this movement using just your bodyweight; but still using your hands to tap the ground and then extending your arms overhead at the top of the movement.

Make it harder: Strive for maximum air, jumping straight up as high as you can with each jump.

plank jacks – 20 reps

medicine ball plank jacks

Modify: Remove the jack and tap one toe out and in at a time, alternating legs each rep. Keep your hips stable and core engaged.

Make it harder: Add a push-up to this movement. As you jack your legs out lower down into a push up on the medicine ball and then as you jack your legs back together, push back up to the starting position.

standing toe touches – 20 reps {10 per leg}

medicine ball standing toe touches

Modify: Eliminate the medicine ball and complete the move with just your bodyweight. Or you can also bend at your knees as you lift your leg to make this less challenging.

Make it harder: Keep your leg as straight as possible, pointing through the toe, as you perform each leg lift/toe touch.

the outfit: adidas pure boost + vsx

vsx banded back tank {love the banded back on this tank}

medicine ball squat and toss

the workout: medicine ball hiit circuit

Complete 20 repetitions per exercise. Repeat each circuit x 2 sets before moving onto the next circuit.

Circuit One:

  • Squat + Toss
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Core Twists

Circuit Two:

  • Alternating Lunge + Twist {10 per leg}
  • Rolling Push Ups {10 per arm}
  • Toe Taps {first set clockwise, second set counter-clockwise}

Circuit Three:

  • Alternating Cross Body Chops {10 per side}
  • Jack + Overhead Press
  • Lying Toe Touches

Circuit Four:

  • Frog Jumps
  • Plank Jacks
  • Standing Toe Touches {10 per leg}

I saved the best for last as circuit number four is my favorite combination of medicine ball exercises. what’s your favorite move from above? tell me in the comments below!

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medicine ball hiit circuit workout | combine cardio, strength and stability in this medicine ball hiit circuit; a total body workout that you can do in 30 minutes or less. | www.nourishmovelove.com

Original article and pictures take www.nourishmovelove.com site

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