вторник, 10 июля 2012 г.

Get Toned Arms for 2016 With These 3 Exercises from Kayla Itsines

Get Toned Arms for 2016 With These 3 Exercises from Kayla Itsines

This week, we continue our series with Insta-famous trainer and creator of the Bikini Body Guide, Kayla Itsines, to kick-start those inevitable New Year's fitness resolutions. Kayla's workout for ELLE.com is made up of four circuits–full body/cardio, arms, abs, and legs–each of which should be completed in seven minutes. Here, we present the arms circuit. Set your timer for seven minutes and complete the exercises as many times as you can before the buzzer goes off!

Commandos: 24 reps, 12 per side

1. Start by placing your forearms (wrist to elbow) on the floor and extending both legs behind you, resting on the balls of your feet. This is called a plank position.

2. Release your right forearm and place your right hand firmly on the floor directly below your right shoulder. Push up onto your right hand, followed immediately by your left in the same pattern. Brace through your abdominals to prevent your hips from swaying.

3. Return to plank position by releasing your right hand and lowering onto your forearm, before doing the same with your left hand.

4. Repeat this exercise, starting with your left hand. Continue alternating between right and left for the specified number of repetitions.

Lay Down Snap Jumps: 16 reps

1. Plant both feet on the floor slightly further than shoulder width apart. Looking straight ahead, bend at both the hips and knees, and place your hands on the floor directly in front of your feet.

2. Keeping your body weight on your hands, kick both feet backwards so that your legs are completely extended behind you, resting on the balls of your feet. Your body should be in one straight line from head to toe.

3. While maintaining a straight back and stabilizing through your abdominals, bend your elbows and completely lower your torso toward the floor.

4. Release both hands and extend your arms out in front of you.

5. Reposition your hands on either side of your chest. Push through your chest and extend your arms to lift your body back up into push-up position, resting on the balls of your feet.

6. Jump both feet in toward your hands, ensuring that your feet remain shoulder width apart. Repeat for the specified number of repetitions.

In and Out Push Ups: 15 reps

1. Place both hands on the floor slightly further than shoulder width apart and feet together behind you, resting on the balls of your feet. This is your starting position.

2. Quickly pick up both feet and jump them outwards so that they're wider than your hips.

3. Bend your elbows and lower your torso to the floor until your arms form a 90-degree angle. Push through your chest and extend your arms to lift your body back up into push-up position with your feet still apart.

4. Quickly pick up both feet and jump them inwards to bring your feet back together and enter the push-up position again. Then push through your chest and extend your arms to lift your body back into starting position. Repeat.

Once completed, take a 30-second break and reset your timer to 7 minutes for the next circuit. Check ELLE.com next week to get part three of Kayla's workout!

Photo credit: Lara Jade

Original article and pictures take www.elle.com site

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