пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Full Body Workout Routine for Women

Full Body Workout Routine for Women
Full Body Workout Routine for Women

Everybody knows how important exercising is. Exercising is required by everybody no matter what the age or gender. However, one should always make a workout routine which suits their body and a workout routine which they can stick too. There are various types of workout programs. However, a full body workout should be like circuit training. It should include everything so that one can stick better to the program without getting bored. Plus doing different kinds of exercises will utilize all the muscles giving your better body shape. So, no matter what the goal of the workout routine is one should always include cardio, strength training, and stretching. Here is a workout routine for women and how to go about it explained.

Total Body Workout Routine for Women


Cardiovascular exercises are excellent full body workouts. However, one shouldn't overdo them and while performing a cardio workout take a break between every 15 minutes for 2 minutes. This will allow your heart to slow down again. Before you start your cardio workout do a warm up for 7-10 minutes. Warm up can simply be mild jogging. Some excellent cardio workouts for women are jump rope workout, running, cycling, kick boxing, dancing, elliptical training, swimming and step ups.

Strength Training

Strength training is essential and shouldn't be neglected. Strength training necessary because it helps in toning up and reducing fat from a specific body area. So, include strength training exercises too in your workout. Make sure you maintain the right posture when performing any strength training workouts. If you are using weights, then make sure you do it in presence of an instructor. Some of the best strength training exercises for women are listed below. Include these exercises for your specific body workout day mentioned in the chart.

  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Hindu Squats
  • Waist Turns
  • Ab Crunches
  • Side Crunches
  • Bench Press
  • Chest Fly
  • Front Raise
  • Lateral Raise
  • Overhead Press
  • Biceps Curl


Stretching is essential part of the workout routine, as stretching after a workout as it will help you keep your body flexible and lean. It will also improve your posture. After you are done with your strength training workout, do stretching for 5 minutes. Perform stretching exercises of the body part you worked on. Hold every stretch for a slow count of 10-20 seconds. Breathe slowly when stretching.

Sample Workout Plan

Here is a sample workout plan that will help you make a 5 day in a week plan. It is planned for 3 weeks. So, every week you will have different types of workout. Keep three different types of cardio workouts, otherwise you will soon get bored doing a cardio for 45 minutes.

1st WeekCardio exercise for 45 minutes
(5 minutes warm up
15 minutes cardio exercise # 1
15 minutes cardio exercise # 2
15 minutes cardio exercise # 3)
Shoulder Workout Day
(Half an hour of cardio exercise
15 minutes of shoulder workout
5 minutes of stretching)
Cardio exercise for 45 minutes
(5 minutes warm up
15 minutes cardio exercise # 1
15 minutes cardio exercise # 2
15 minutes cardio exercise # 3)
Chest Workout Day
(Half an hour of cardio exercise
15 minutes chest workout
5 minutes of stretching)
Cardio exercise for 45 minutes
(5 minutes warm up
15 minutes cardio exercise # 1
15 minutes cardio exercise # 2
15 minutes cardio exercise # 3)
2nd WeekAbs Workout Day
(Half an hour of cardio exercise
15 minutes of abdominal exercises
5 minutes of stretching)
Lower Body Workout Day
(Half an hour of cardio exercise
15 minutes of lower body workout
5 minutes of stretching)
3rd WeekTriceps & Biceps Workout Day
(Half an hour of cardio exercise
15 minutes of triceps and biceps workout
5 minutes of stretching)
Back Workout Day
( Half an hour of cardio exercise
15 minutes back exercises
5 minutes of stretching)

So, form a workout routine using the above chart. Make sure you take breaks between your cardio sessions and strength training sessions. Use this time to sip a bit of water and wipe off the sweat. This will help you relax a bit. After your workout do remember to stretch.

Original article and pictures take pixfeeds.com site

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