понедельник, 16 января 2012 г.

Full Body Resistance Band Workout

Full Body Resistance Band Workout

Happy Monday. I love starting my week off with a sweaty workout so let’s hop to it!

Just like the Upper Body Burn I posted a couple weeks ago, this resistance band workout is sponsored by Kohl’s and the #MakeYourMove campaign. I’ve had so much fun creating workouts for this partnership. I hope you’ve enjoyed them as well.

Summer Body Resistance Band Workout That Alternates Between Upper and Lower Body Moves
Summer Body Resistance Band Workout That Alternates Between Upper and Lower Body Moves

For this workout, all you need is a small space and a resistance band. I know a lot of us will be traveling this summer so I wanted a strength workout that could literally be done anywhere — on the beach, in a hotel room, at the airport, etc. Resistance bands are great for traveling because they’re inexpensive, light and can easily be tucked into your suitcase or carry-on bag.

One important tip to remember is that resistance bands come in different strength/resistance levels. The levels usually look like this:

  • Yellow: light resistance
  • Green: light to medium resistance
  • Red: medium to heavy resistance
  • Blue: heavy resistance
  • Black: heaviest resistance

Be sure to use a band that makes the moves challenging for you, but not impossible.

Take your workout anywhere with this full body resistance band workout
Take your workout anywhere with this full body resistance band workout that alternates between upper and lower body moves

  • Squat to Press — Stand in the middle of the band with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold handles at shoulder height, with palms facing away from you and elbows bent. Squat deeply, keeping your weight in your heels, while pressing your arms directly over your head. (10 Reps)
  • Seated Row — Sit on the ground with your legs extended out in front. Loop the band around the soles of your feet and hold one end in each hand. You may need to grip the band rather than the handles to get enough resistance. Start with your arms straight in front of you, pointing at your toes. Pull back, bending your elbows until your hands meet your chest and squeeze your shoulder blades together. (15 Reps)
  • Booty Kicks — Place the center of the band around the sole of your left foot and hold on to either end of the band. Place your elbows and knees on the ground so your back is straight in a table top position. Hold the band firmly, draw your stomach in and extend your left leg straight up behind you. Then draw your knee forward without letting it touch the ground. Repeat on right side. (20 Reps / 10 Each Side)
  • Tricep Extensions — Place one end of the band under your left foot, holding other end in both hands. Raise arms next to head, keeping elbows bent and close to your ears. Slowly extend arms, then lower to start and repeat. (15 Reps)
  • Lunge with Lateral Raise — Stand in lunge position with your left foot forward on the middle of the band. Lower yourself until your left thigh is parallel to the ground. Exhale and slowly raise your arms out to the sides. Stop when they reach shoulder height. Do 10 reps, then switch legs and do 10 reps on the right side. (20 Reps / 10 Each Side)
  • Side Steppers — Place the band under your feet, hip-width apart, and hold the handles at your sides. Side-step to your left, bringing your feet apart, and then back to hip width again with your right foot. Perform 10 side-steps to your left, and then 10 to your right. You can increase tension in the band by lifting the handles higher from the floor or bringing them together in front of you. (20 Reps // 10 Each Side)
  • Upright Row — Place your feet on top of the band, cross it and hold the handles over your thighs. Stand tall, keep your core tight and shoulders back, and pull the handles up to neck height. Hold for 1 second and slowly lower. (15 Reps)

Do each exercise the prescribed number of reps, then move to the next exercise in the circuit. Repeat the full circuit 2-3 times for a complete workout.

If you try this workout be sure to let me know by commenting here on the post or tagging me on social media (@eatingbirdfood and #MakeYourMove). Can’t wait to hear what you think of it.

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Kohl’s.

Original article and pictures take www.eatingbirdfood.com site

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