вторник, 19 июля 2011 г.

EMOM workout- only 15 minutes

EMOM workout- only 15 minutes

Hey hey. How’s the day treating ya? Thank you SO MUCH for all of your amazing discussion comments yesterday, and for making this space the fun, inviting, interesting party that it is. I’ve been doing the usual teaching thing this week (had barre on Tuesday and Spin last night), and also took miss P to her upper GI testing. I’ll post an update on the Family page this afternoon (spoiler: it wasn’t a picnic, but we’re glad it’s over).

Today, I have a workout for you! This is a quick and dirty one, and was modeled after some of my favorite CrossFit workouts. When I first took a CrossFit class, I thought EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) workouts were sneaky little beasts. Do you take your time, knowing that you’ll get a shorter rest in between sets? Or do you crush through it quickly, blasting your heart rate up, but knowing you’ll get more time before starting the next round? Tricky, tricky, CrossFit.

Here’s the idea of EMOM:

-Set a timer.

-When a minute begins, you’ll work through a short list of exercises. When the next minute starts, you’ll do it again. This means if you get through your exercises quickly, you’ll have some time to rest before your next round. If you move slowly, you’re working pretty much the entire time.

-Most EMOM workouts are in time blocks, so an example would be EMOM 5: 10 burpees. This means every minute for 5 minutes, you would do 10 burpees (= 50 burpees). So let’s say you finish your first set of 10 burpees in 40 seconds. You have 20 seconds to rest before starting your next set of 10 burpees.

Here is today’s workout:

Get in a killer total body workout in only 15 minutes with EMOM. Check out fitnessista.com for all of the details! Can't wait to try this.


Squat (touch the floor with dumbbells and keep your chest high) to overhead press x 10

Squat jumps x 10

Mountain climbers x 20 total


Deadlift x 10

Push-ups x 10

Burpees x 10


Walking lunges x 10

Jumping lunges x 20

Quick squats x 15

The exercises and form cues:

Squat (touch the floor with dumbbells and keep your chest high) to overhead press

Squat press
Make sure to keep your chest lifted and core tight. Avoid letting the weights fall down, and lower them with control. Exhale to rise and press the weights overhead.

Squat jumps

Hop to it

Come into a squat before using your legs to jump (or tuck jump!). Be sure to land softly, with slightly bent knees, before springing back up again.

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers
Start in a plank position. Bring one knee in towards your chest, and jump or walk it back to starting position before repeating on the opposite side.


7 ways to deadlift

Keep the bar close to your shins, and start with feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees, and hinge forward from your hips to place your hands on the bar in line with your shoulders. Contract your upper body (pull your shoulders back and keep your chest lifted) and your transverse abdominis (deep core muscles), as you exhale and squeeze your glutes to stand. During the entire movement, keep your spine long and straight.

For ideas on changing up your deadlift, check out this post.


On your knees, toes, or modified against a wall. Keep your hips down in line with your spine, and exhale, squeezing your chest, to rise.

Push-up variations are here.


Modify by walking back to plank and walking back up. To make it even more fun, add a tuck jump at the top.

Burpee variations are here.

Walking lunges

Lunge and wide row

For your lunge setup, make sure your feet are hip distance apart, and think about sinking down instead of forward as you lunge. Watch the front knee to make sure it doesn’t extend past your toes.

Jumping lunges

Spring leg burner1
Make sure to land with a soft knee and sink into your lunge before springing up to switch sides. If the impact is too much, try quick and efficient lunges on one side before switching to the other side.

Quick squats

For your regular ol’ squat, make sure your feet are underneath your shoulders (hip width or slightly wider is good) and toes slightly turned out. Focus on sitting back, while keeping your chest lifted and a tight core. Inhale to lower, exhale to rise. Make sure that your knees go towards your toes, but not far past your toes. Sink your hips as low as your flexibility allows, whether it’s a small squat, or to hips just above knee level. You can squat lower than knee level if it works for you, but generally it’s not something that I recommend.

Squat 1 of 1

That’s it!

So this entire workout is 15 minutes. You warm up for 5-7 minutes, crush through each 5 minute block, and move on with your day.

Are you going to give it a try?! EMOM workouts: tricky beast or BFF?

Leave a comment and let me know how it goes!



Some more of my favorite quick workouts are here and 10 workouts you can do in 10 minutes.


Original article and pictures take fitnessista.com site

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