вторник, 24 мая 2011 г.

Do ANYWHERE 5 Minute, Wake-up Workout {VIDEO}

Do ANYWHERE 5 Minute, Wake-up Workout {VIDEO}

A quick and easy, full body workout that only takes 5 minutes and you can do anywhere! You’ll feel the burn all day long!

Remember that time that we ate Chocolate Lava Cakes and watched the FIRST RECIPE VIDEO OF ALL TIME here on FFF?

Well, this post is following suit to that post. Sort of.

We’re not eating anything today but today is the first WORKOUT VIDEO on FFF EVAH. Are you excited? I sure as heck am!

I’m also sore. Because I fell in L-O-V-E with this workout and have been doing it for ALL the days since I developed it.

I know what you’re thinking, “A full body workout in ONLY 5 MINUTES that is actually TOUGH? Taylor, I thought you were athletic and in good shape?”

But, you guys, IT IS tough! You will get results and feel da burn ALL. DAY. LONG.

You know that I’ve teamed up with Kohl’s to show ya easy ways to #MakeYourMove and get back on track this year, so I wanted to start us off with a quick, 5 minute, workout that you can do anywhere.

Remember when we talked about the importance of sleep? WELL, since I know you’re taking that to heart, I also wanted to give you a workout that you can do ANYWHERE, and is perfect for those mornings when you got SUCH a good night’s rest, that you don’t have a lot of time to get to the gym.

For this workout, you don’t need any equipment, or fancy clothes. Just you, and a teensy tiny little space. You can literally roll out of bed and do this in your Pajamas.

5 Minute , Do ANYWHERE workout with a VIDEO! - You don't need any equipment, and can do this in your PJS! A quick and easy workout that will burn calories all day long! | Foodfaithfitness.com | @FoodFaithFit

Sidenote: If you have hardwood floors, you MIGHT wanna invest in an exercise mat. Just to protect those delicate hands of yours. J

Plus, if you’re still new to the fitness/working out thang, you want to take baby steps. Going to a gym with ALL DA PEEPS and ALL DA EQUIPMENT can be totally overwhelming and scary, ya know?

So, start with something you feel comfortable with.

PLUS, this workout is also the perfect way to start your day (poet and I didn’t even know it) because it will get your metabolism revved up and keep your calories optimally burning throughout the day.


So, I hope that you give this work out a try and let me know how you like it!

I would also love to know if you prefer working at out the start of your day or at the end of the day?! Tell me in DA COMMENTS!

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Kohl’s.

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Original article and pictures take www.foodfaithfitness.com site

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