понедельник, 27 декабря 2010 г.

Calorie Sizzler Tabata Workout

Calorie Sizzler Tabata Workout
A fitness woman doing a push-up inside of a gym with the words

When you are really ready to make a healthy change, this is the calorie burner you’ve been looking for! This workout combines tabata-style intervals with superset strength training rounds to make one heck of a full-body cardio and strength routine! It’s a little crazy and tad bit over the edge, but when you are finished, you’ll feel like you can do just about anything!

Here’s the plan:

Equipment: You will need a set of dumbbells and something to time yourself.

Set 1: Tabata – Go back and forth between the two exercises for 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest for a total of 4 minutes.

Set 2: Strength Go back and forth between the two exercises for 30 seconds each until you have done each 3 times.

Set 3: Tabata – Go back and forth between the two exercises for 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest for a total of 4 minutes.

Set 4: Strength – Go back and forth between the two exercises for 30 seconds each until you have done each 3 times.

Set 1: Burpees and Power Skips

Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Go back and forth between the two for a total of 4 minutes.

Chris Freytag Demonstrating Burpeees
A) Start in a plank position with arms and legs long, hands shoulder distance apart.

B) Walk or jump both feet between your hands coming into a low squat. Jump straight up as high as possible, land, and come back to your plank position.

Chris Freytag Demonstrating Power Skips

A) Start standing with feet hip distance apart.

B) Lift up one knee as high as it will go and raise the opposite arm. Jump straight up and switch sides forming a skip. Continue alternating arms and legs.

Set 2: Push-Ups and Walking Lunges

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Go back and forth between the two until you have done each 3 times.

Chris Freytag Demonstrating Push-Ups

A) Start in plank position with your arms shoulder width apart. Engage your core and keep your abs tight. (You can modify by doing a kneeling plank if the full is to challenging.)

B) Lower your chest to a hover above the mat while hugging your elbows in towards your side body and keep elbows pointing straight back. Press up by straightening arms and return to plank position.

Chris Freytag Demonstrating Walking Lunges

A) Stand tall with your feet hip distance apart. Take a large step forward with one foot and lower your body toward the floor. Both legs should be bent at a 90-degree angle at the bottom of the lunge.

B) Draw back knee in and up to the chest to repeat on the walking lunge on the opposite side.

Set 3: High Knees and Skaters

Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Go back and forth between the two for a total of 4 minutes.

Chris Freytag demonstrating high knees

A) Start standing with feet hip distance apart.

B) Lift up one knee as high as it will go and raise the opposite arm, then switch quickly. Continue alternating arms and legs.

Chris Freytag demonstrating Skaters
A) Start with your legs slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and arms at the sides.

B) Bring one leg behind at a slight angle into a reverse lunge. The front knee will come to a 90-degree angle.

C) Swing the arms in front of that bent knee and leap the back leg forward to switch sides in a skating motion. Arms alternate as you switch sides like a speed skater.

Set 4: Renegade Rows and Cross-Behind Lunges

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Go back and forth between the two until you have done each 3 times.

Chris Freytag demonstrating renegade rows

A) Begin in a full plank with dumbbells in hands, arms extended, and on toes. Engage your abdominals drawing the belly inward towards your spine. (You can kneel if you are not able to do a full plank.)

B) Pull one elbow up towards the ceiling hugging your side body feeling the back of your arm engage and return with dumbbell to the floor with control. Repeat on other side.

Chris Freytag demonstrating cross-behind lunge
A) Begin standing with your feet hip distance apart.

B) Transfer your body weight onto your left leg and cross your right foot behind your left leg keeping your hips facing forward as you bend both knees and lower yourself toward the floor in a lunge. Keep your back straight and chest lifted to keep your weight in the front leg. Repeat on the other side.

Original article and pictures take 3i133rqau023qjc1k3txdvr1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com site

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