понедельник, 30 июня 2008 г.

4-Week Total Body Workout Calendar

4-Week Total Body Workout Calendar

This 4-week workout calendar offers five series of workout styles to keep your body on edge. Variety forces your body to adapt. The better you are at adapting, the stronger your body becomes and the greater your results.

The first week will start out strong with H.I.I.T workouts. High Intensity Interval Training provides all the workout you’ll need in nearly half the time, using fast-paced, heart pumping and body shaking movements! The following week brings a series of Tabata challenges. Tabata routines are another short timeframe, high reward workout. Quick reps, quick breaks! Repeat two times. You’re on a 7 day stretch this week, so make sure you rest and eat properly to stay energized and recover.

Seven days of Tabata is a great challenge to accomplish, so as a reward, we’ll slow things down a bit. Not too much of course. Our next series is yoga. Slow, controlled, but strong movements combined with deep strong breaths. Staying focused is the key. Feel every muscle fiber lengthen and strengthen as you build endurance. Yoga is all bodyweight so we transition into bodyweight exercises for the next week. You’re half way done! Bodyweight exercises require you to push through until your tank is empty. When one more pushup seems impossible you catch your second wind and do three more! What better way to end a challenge than with Boot Camp! This is the home stretch. Five days to close out and make an impact. You know the moves at this point so give every push, jump and breath everything you’ve got!

Remember this challenge is about you, so make every second of every day count. Make a plan, dedicate your time, stay hydrated, stay motivated and your results will always equal the effort you put in!

Equipment Needed: Interval timer, heart rate monitor, 1 set of light, medium, and heavy dumbbells, 2 light to medium kettlebells, jump rope, yoga mat, flat bench or medicine ball, and water to keep you hydrated.

Download here. Click each workout on the calendar to find your routine for the day.

Don’t have everything you need for this challenge? Check out some of these products to guarantee you stay on track each week:

Jump Ropes Double Unders Jump Rope

GoFit 10-Pound Kettlebell, Training DVD and Exercise Booklet

CAP Adjustable Dumbbell Set with Case

Workout? Check. Equipment? Check. The only thing missing are meals and diet suggestions to keep your body strong every step of the way:

17 Clean & Lean Ways to Add Protein to Your Breakfasts

13 Yummy Dairy Free Milkshakes

73 Best Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

50 Clean Eating Snacks

Check out our Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest for tasty recipes, workout tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Original article and pictures take useast-cdn.skinnyms.com site

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