среда, 15 августа 2007 г.

20-Minute Whole Body AMRAP Workout

20-Minute Whole Body AMRAP Workout
20-Minute Whole Body AMRAP Workout

Hi Everyone! Holy moly it's been a while since I last posted. If you read my big life update a few weeks ago, you'll know I was thinking about applying for graduate school to get my Master's in Public Health. Well, I decided to take the plunge! My application for the first part of the program - a Certificate in Public Health - is due this Friday, so I've been busy with that these past few weeks.

But I'm excited to be back and to share this workout with you today! These exercises are all done on a plyo box, and while they may look easy to start out, the AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) style of this workout makes it challenging. Ready to get to it and challenge yourself? Keep reading for the details and let's get goin'!

20-Minute Whole Body AMRAP (on a Plyo Box)

20-Minute Whole Body AMRAP Workout

What You'll Need: a sturdy plyo box at about knee height, a non-slip exercise mat (to put underneath the box to prevent sliding if on a smooth surface), and a timer.

What You'll Do: set your timer for 20 minutes, and go through as many rounds of the exercises as you can in that time, starting with exercise #1. Remember to do 5 box jumps between each move. Note: if you're on a smooth surface like a hardwood floor, place a non-slip exercise mat underneath the plyo box to prevent the box from sliding forward during your jumps.

10 Incline Push Ups - get into a push up position with your hands gripping the outside edges of the box. Keeping your abs engaged and spine aligned, lower your chest to the box in a push up. Push back up to start. Do 10 reps.

5 Box Jumps - between each strength exercise you'll do 5 box jumps. Start with the box in front of you. Squat down, bending your knees and bringing your arms straight back by your sides to load the jump. From here, swing your arms up and jump up onto the box, tucking your knees up to your chest to clear it (as opposed to bringing your heels back towards your butt). Stand up fully, then step down off the box and reset to load the next jump. Do 5 jumps total. Trainer Tip: please remember to STEP off the box, not jump down. This avoids unnecessary force on your lower body and decreases risk for injury.

  • Alternate Exercise for Box Jumps - if box jumps are a bit too much for you, take it down a notch and start in a squat, then step up onto the box, stand, and step back down into a squat. If you do this style, alternate which leg leads each set (e.g. lead with the right leg for your first set of 5, then the left on your next set, then right... so on and so forth).

10 Lunge Step Ups w/ Knee Drive (each leg) - start in a lunge facing the plyo box with just enough room between to step up onto the box. From the lunge position, take your back leg and plant it firmly on top of the box, stepping up as you do, driving your other knee toward your chest in a fluid motion. Reverse the move to step down off the box and back into a lunge on the same leg you started on. Repeat for 10 lunges on one leg before switching to the other.

- 5 Box Jumps -

10 Straight Leg Raises - start in a seated position on the edge of the plyo box, legs extended out straight, hands grasping the sides of the box for stability. Lean back slightly to engage your abs, keeping your back flat. From here, lift your legs straight up off the ground, forming a V with your body. Lower them back down to the floor. Do 10 lifts.

- 5 Box Jumps -

10 Up & Under Planks (each side) - start in a plank position with your right arm propped up on the plyo box, left arm tucked underneath you. From here, rotate your body into a side plank on your right arm, reaching your left arm up toward the ceiling and turning your head upwards to look at your hand. Reverse the move back down into the plank, tucking your arm underneath you and engaging your abs as you do. Keep going for 10 reps on the right before switching to the left.

- 5 Box Jumps -

10 Knee to Elbow Planks - start in a plank position on your hands with your feet propped up on the plyo box. From here, alternate bringing your knees out to the side and up to meet your elbow, focusing on engaging your obliques and keeping your shoulders over your wrists. Do 10 reps total (5 each side).

- 5 Box Jumps -

Keep going! Remember, this is an AMRAP workout, so get through as many rounds of these exercises as you can in 20 minutes!

Readers: chat with me! What's going on in everyone's lives lately?? How are your workouts/training sessions going? Do you incorporate plyo boxes into your routine? How about AMRAP workouts? Love 'em or hate 'em? Any readers out there with an MPH or currently in school? Any advice?

Original article and pictures take www.infitinhealth.com site

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