понедельник, 19 марта 2018 г.

Zone-by-Zone Resistance Band Workout Video

Zone-by-Zone Resistance Band Workout Video

One of the most underrated pieces of workout equipment for quick results is the resistance band. The option to adjust your tension and slack on the spot is the biggest benefit the resistance band offers, but the list goes on and on. (Practical? Simple? Portable? Check, check, check.)

Real Mom Model Melissa shows you how to target trouble spots by using the band in both isolated and compound exercises! Even if you're just starting out, you can give this workout a go. Melissa will go straight through the exercises without breaks, but hit pause and take a rest when you need it!

Moves You'll See:

  • Bicep Curl to Triceps Kickback
  • Cross Band Pullback
  • One-Arm Rear Flys
  • Resistance Band Clamshells
  • Skater Squats
  • Reverse Lunge with Twist
  • Resistance Band Flutter Kicks
  • Crunch and Punch
  • Woodchoppers


Stand with your feet under the shoulders and slide the resistance band under the arches of your feet. Curl arms up towards your chest. Lower them back down to the floor, at the same time slightly hinge forward at your hips as you extend both arms behind you. Keep elbows close to body.

Cross Band Pullback

Crossband-Pullbacks-with-RB Grouped
Crossband-Pullbacks-with-RB Grouped

Stand with your feet under the shoulders and slide the resistance band under the arches of your feet. Make sure the slack on either side is even, then cross them, grabbing the handles. Bend the knees and hinge forward with a straight back. Pull the band so the handles come up near the chest and shoulders. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and point the elbows backward. Continue looking at the floor in front of you to maintain a straight back.

One-Arm-Rear-Fly-with-RB Grouped
One-Arm-Rear-Fly-with-RB Grouped

Come to all fours, holding the handle or end of the resistance band in one hand and anchoring it with the other hand. When you set up, make sure you have no slack or tension in the band when it's in your starting position. Pull the band out to the side until your hand is at shoulder-height. Do not twist or rotate the torso or hips to accommodate the fly. Adjust the slack/tension as needed.

Resistance Band Clamshells

RB-Clam-Shell ALL
RB-Clam-Shell ALL

Begin by lying on your side on the ground. Have the band wrapped around your thighs. Support your head on your bottom arm. Flex the hips to 45 degrees and the knees to approximately 90 degrees, with your right leg directly on top of your left. This will be your starting position. Initiate the exercise by abducting your top leg, pushing your knee away from the midline of your body. Maintain contact between your feet throughout the movement. Pause at the top of the motion, and then return to the starting position.

Skater-Squat-with-RB Grouped
Skater-Squat-with-RB Grouped

Stand with your feet under the hips and slide the band under the arches of the feet. Grab a handle on either side, making sure it's even on both sides. Step one leg out into a squat, dropping the hips behind you and down to knee level. As you squat, pull the band upward like you're performing a double bicep curl. Push out of the squat, releasing the arms and bringing the feet back under the hips. Repeat on the other side.

Reverse Lunge with Twist

RB-lunge-with-a-Twist Grouped
RB-lunge-with-a-Twist Grouped

Begin in a standing position with feet under the hips. Hold the band out in front of you so the arms extend from the shoulders and there is no slack or tension in the band. Send one leg back into a lunge. Create a 90-degree bend in both knees, keeping the front knee behind the toe and trying to get the back thigh parallel with the front calf. Keep the arms extended from the shoulders. Once you're in the deepest positioning of the lunge, take the opposite arm and stretch it behind you. This will cause the upper body to twist toward the front knee. Keep soft elbows. Reverse the twist, then the lunge and repeat on the other side.

RB Flutter Kicks RESIZED 01
RB Flutter Kicks RESIZED 01

Come to a seated position and place your feet into the handles of the resistance band. Grab the center of the band and roll yourself down to the floor. Point your feet. Lift both feet off the floor. Pull the belly button into the spine. You'll have a small, natural curve in the lower back, but you don't want to arch it so much that your hips pop up. Move one up and the other down, simultaneously. They should be about 6 inches to 1 foot apart from each other, moving at a controlled pace.

Crunch and Punch

Crunch-and-Punch-with-RB Grouped
Crunch-and-Punch-with-RB Grouped

Come a seated position with your legs out in front of you, flexing the feet and bending the knees. Push the navel into the spine as you lean back. Have the band wrapped around upper back and around the shoulders, grabbing the ends with either hand. Maintain the position as you punch the arms out across the body. Return the arm to the starting position and punch the other arm. Try not to lift the hips or arch the back.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your resistance band under your left foot. Hold the resistance band so that it is tight with both of your hands. Slowly pull the resistance band above your head keeping your arms straight to your opposite side. Hold, return to the starting position, repeat and switch sides.

Disclaimer: The content of the Popculture.com website, including text, graphics and images, are for informational purposes only. The content of this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have. Do not disregard professional medical advice. Not all exercises are suitable for everyone.

(Photo: Kellogg's)

Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate
(Photo: Ghirardelli )

(Photo: Candy Warehouse)

(Photo: Panda)

(Photo: Shutterstock)

Jordan Almonds
(Photo: Shutterstock)

Lifesavers Gummies Bunnies and Eggs
(Photo: Lifesavers )

Original article and pictures take asset.popculture.com site

среда, 7 марта 2018 г.

Your Weekly Workout Schedule Is Here — With Printables and Everything!

Your Weekly Workout Schedule Is Here — With Printables and Everything!
Add Some Weights to Your Arms and Abs Workout
Add Some Weights to Your Arms and Abs Workout

Ready to feel ab-tastic? Reach for a set of medium-size weights to work both the arms and the core.

Click here for a printable PDF version of the workout.

Incinerate Fat and Build Muscle With This Kickass Printable Workout
Incinerate Fat and Build Muscle With This Kickass Printable Workout

Original article and pictures take media1.popsugar-assets.com site

четверг, 1 марта 2018 г.

Your Spring Fitness Plan

Your Spring Fitness Plan

Hi friends! How are ya? How’s the week going so far?? I’m so excited that spring is officially here, and I have a full fitness plan just for you: a mix of cardio, strength, flexibility, interval training and rest.

When I posted this fall fitness plan, the response was really amazing, so I thought it was time to share another full plan for you. This one has all of the work scheduled out for you, with all of the workouts below. Pin this post for later when you’re looking for some gym-spiration, or if you’re looking for a full balanced plan to follow. As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes and honor your body. Modify and shuffle as needed!

Spring fitness plan:

A full workout plan including strength, cardio, flexibility and rest. It's easy to hit a spring workout slump, and this takes all of the planning out of it for you! Check out the full details at fitnessista.com

Weekly schedule:

Sunday: Upper body and steady state

Monday: HIIT

Tuesday: OFF or gentle

Wednesday: Lower body and core

Thursday: Easy steady state

Friday: Total body workout

Saturday: OFF or gentle

*Steady state: 20-30 minutes of your favorite cardio at a moderate pace you can maintain for the entire block. You can run, walk, jog, spin, Stairclimb or dance.

A full workout plan including strength, cardio, flexibility and rest. It's easy to hit a spring workout slump, and this takes all of the planning out of it for you! Check out the full details at fitnessista.com

Upper body workout:

Warm up 5-7 minutes, easy cardio

1) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Heavy chest press x 10

Bent-over wide row x 10

2) Strength blast: bodyweight push-ups (max 1 minute)

3) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Heavy biceps curls to overhead press x 10

Skullcrushers x 10

4) Strength blast: bodyweight triceps dips (max 1 minute)

5) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Seated row x 10

Bent-over fly x 10

6) Strength blast: medicine ball slams (max 1 minute)

Cool down and stretch.

Lower body and core workout:

Warm up, 5-7 minutes, easy cardio

1) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Heavy squats x 10

Weighted step-ups x 10 on each side

2) Cardio blast: Jump squats (max 1 minute)

3) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Walking lunges x 20 total

Heavy deadlifts x 10

4) Cardio blast: Jumping lunges (max 1 minute)

5) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Cable kickback x 10

Cable step-out squat x 10

*Do 3 sets on one leg, and then repeat on the other leg)

6) Strength finisher: 30 heavy hip raises (with barbell or flat plate)

7) Abs: 30 second plank x 3

Gliding disc pike – 30 seconds

Side plank with hip dips x 10 each side

Cool down and stretch.

Total body workout:

Warm up, 5-7 minutes, easy cardio.

1) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Lateral lunge to biceps curl x 10 each side

Squat to press x 10

2) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Deadlift and wide row x 10

Triceps dip and reach x 10 each

3) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Push-up x 10

Heavy bent-over narrow row x 10

4) Cool down and stretch.



Warm up for 5-7 minutes, easy cardio

Battle ropes: (or medicine ball slams)

30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 10 rounds

= 5 minutes


300m row, 30 second rest for 10 minutes

= 10 minutes

Bodyweight (30 seconds ON, 30 seconds rest

for the following exercises):

Jump squats


Mountain climbers

Side-to-side hops

High knees

= 5 minutes (can repeat to make it 10 min)

Cool down and stretch.

A full workout plan including strength, cardio, flexibility and rest. It's easy to hit a spring workout slump, and this takes all of the planning out of it for you! Check out the full details at fitnessista.com


Go for an easy walk, enjoy a stretch, or take a restorative yoga class. I also love this stretch sequence (video), bedtime stretch, and this afternoon stretch.

To mix and match: check out all of the workouts on my fitness page! If you’re looking for upper body, total body, lower body, or core, you can click the links to each one to sub in one of these workouts and change things up.

Leave a comment below with a spring fitness goal!! I’ll pick a lucky winner for a Lorna Jane tank top of their choice.

Also, I hope you’ll join me for our upcoming barre bootcamp! I’m trying to figure out a date for the official launch, so please let me know if you prefer mid-April or late April. If you’d like to be one of the first to find out (there are only 100 spots), be sure to sign up for my newsletter below (where it says “I want in!”).

Happy spring!! <3




Gray twirl Lorna Jane Tank

lululemon printed shorts (love that these are a little longer)


Original article and pictures take fitnessista.com site

понедельник, 26 февраля 2018 г.

Your flat butt workout

Your flat butt workout

Hip check

Works: butt, abs, hips

Lie faceup, knees bent, feet flat. Squeeze glutes and lift hips off floor for three counts, forming a straight line from shoulders to knees (as shown). Hold for two counts and lower to floor for four counts for one rep. Do 12 reps.

Power point

Works: butt, back, abs, hips

Start on hands and knees with back straight, wrists directly beneath shoulders. Take three counts to simultaneously extend left arm and right leg in line with body (as shown); hold for two counts. Switch sides; repeat for one rep. Do 12 reps.

Rear end reach

Works: butt, obliques, legs

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Step with right foot into a side lunge so right knee aligns over right foot and left leg is straight; as you lunge, twist torso and reach for right foot with left hand (as shown). Push off with right foot to return to standing. Repeat on left side for one rep. Do eight reps.

Kick butt

Works: butt, hamstrings

Start on hands and knees with back straight, wrists directly beneath shoulders. Squeeze glutes to lift right leg, and, keeping knee bent at a 90-degree angle, push sole of foot toward ceiling until hamstring is aligned with torso (as shown). Be careful not to arch your back. Return to start; switch sides and repeat for one rep. Do 12 reps.

Step master

Works: butt, legs

Stand facing a step, a 5- to 8-lb weight in each hand. Place right foot on step. In one fluid motion, press down on right heel and lift body until you are balancing on right leg with left knee lifted, thigh parallel to floor (as shown). Release knee and step back to floor with left foot, then with right foot. Repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do eight reps.

Take a bow

Works: butt, thighs

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a 9-pound bar flush against your back, grasping it behind head with right hand and at the small of back with left hand. Keeping back straight, sink into heels, push hips back and slowly bend at hips until torso reaches a 45-degree angle (as shown). Contract glutes and shift hips forward to return to upright. Do eight reps.

Original article and pictures take www.self.com site

понедельник, 19 февраля 2018 г.

Your Arms and Abs Will Transform After This 2-Week Challenge

Your Arms and Abs Will Transform After This 2-Week Challenge
Your Arms and Abs Will Transform After This 2-Week Challenge
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography

← Use Arrows Keys →

Plank is one of the most effective total-body moves, so here's a new challenge for you to conquer — a five-minute plank. Since holding a straight-up plank wouldn't be any fun (and could end up causing an injury), this challenge mixes up five basic variations to not only tone your abs and arms, but to target the obliques, legs, and upper back as well. Here's an explanation of how to do each one, followed by the two-week plan.

Original article and pictures take media1.popsugar-assets.com site

вторник, 13 февраля 2018 г.

You'll Have the Best Run Ever by Avoiding These Foods

You'll Have the Best Run Ever by Avoiding These Foods

Whether you're tackling your first 5K or training for a marathon, it's important to fuel your body in order to kick some butt during your sweat session. While exercising on an empty stomach isn't the best idea, fueling up the wrong way before a run can cause stomach cramps, dizziness, and headaches. Check out the chart below to learn some good choices for noshing before lacing up those sneaks.

2 Hours Before

What to eat: 300- to 400-calorie meal containing carbs, protein, and healthy fats:

  • Whole wheat pasta with cheese and veggies
  • Oatmeal with fruit and nuts
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • Greek yogurt with fruit, nuts, and granola
  • Wrap filled with grilled fish, avocado, and mango
  • Fruit, yogurt, and greens smoothie (or this vegan protein smoothie that tastes like a vanilla milkshake!)
  • Veggie omelet with toast

What to avoid: Fibrous veggies and high-fat foods that are hard to digest:

  • Broccoli, onions, and a large serving of beans
  • Cream-based soups, burgers, fries, and ice cream

1 Hour Before

What to eat: 150-calorie snack containing easily digestible carbs and a little protein:

  • Whole wheat toast with nut butter
  • Banana and a small handful of cashews
  • Whole grain crackers and hummus
  • Small bowl of cereal
  • Half a fruit-and-nut bar
  • Cheese stick and carrots

What to avoid: Large meals and foods that are difficult to digest:

  • Spicy foods
  • Pears, apples, and melons

15 to 30 Minutes Before

What to eat: Small serving of easily digestible carbs:

  • Half a banana
  • Applesauce
  • A few saltine crackers
  • Raisins

What to avoid: Large serving of protein and carbs or high-saturated fat and high-fiber foods:

  • Pasta
  • Bagel and cream cheese
  • Fried foods
  • Granola or energy bar (high in calories and fiber)

Hydrating is also essential, so drink about 15 to 20 ounces of water one to two hours before working out. Sip another eight ounces 15 minutes before.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar

Original article and pictures take media1.popsugar-assets.com site

вторник, 6 февраля 2018 г.


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